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I’ve always been raised to love nature and to leave things better than when I found them. My mother played a large roll in teaching me these values as did growing up in Tennessee.


I really got into environmentalism and zero waste my sophomore year of college. It was like all of a sudden the blinders were taken off and you kind of fall down this rabbit hole of thinking about where everything goes once we’re “done” with them. A big thing that I like about zero waste is it is you as an individual taking control on how you are impacting the world. It is important to try to change laws, systems, and companies, but while working on that, zero waste or lowering your impact on the environment is a great way to make big changes on an individual level.





My activism really took flight when I took an Intro to Sociology class the summer going into my sophomore year of college. I learned about so many different issues in our society and what prompted them in the first place.


It was fascinating, and I wanted to know how I could help solve these issues that we face as a society. As a white person, I find it very important to use my privilege and voice to help build a platform for speech for those who are silenced or marginalized in our society. Performing is one large way to raise awareness and to teach people about issues and how they may be able to raise awareness as well.

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